EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Interested in employment opportunities? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch! Personal InformationName* First Last Address - Service Area is Northwest part of Tucson only* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone Number*Email*General InformationPool Industry Experience?* Yes No Past Work History and Experience*If yes, please list below your past pool experience and pool companies you were employed by.Background Check InformationAny minor traffic tickets in the last 3 years?* Yes No Any major traffic tickets in the last 5 years?* Yes No Any DUI?* Yes No Any Criminal/Court Records?* Yes No Drivers License #*State The Driver's License Was Issued In*Drivers License Expiration Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY By filling this information out you give Sparkle and Splash Pools the approval to run your drivers license and background check.* I agree. CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Sparkle and Splash Pools 7031 N Camino Martin Dr Marana, AZ 85741   (520) 250-1919 sspc@sparkleandsplash.com Arizona ContractorLicense NumberCR-6 #327664 VIEW OUR LICENSE